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Journal Articles.

Bolded authors indicate Northern EDGE Lab member.




Walker, X.J., Hart, S., Hansen, W.D., Jean, M., Brown, C.D., Stuart Chapin III, F., Hewitt, R., Hollingsworth, T.N., Mack, M.C. and Johnstone, J.F., 2024. Factors limiting the potential range expansion of lodgepole pine in Interior Alaska. Ecological Applications, p.e2983.


Cominelli, S., Bellin, N., Brown, C.D., Rossi, V., Lawson, J. 2024. Acoustic features as a tool to visualize and explore marine soundscapes: Applications illustrated using marine mammal passive acoustic monitoring datasets. Ecology and Evolution 14: 1-12.




Brehaut, Lucas, Goodwin, Katie J.A., Reid, Kirsten A., Crofts, Anna L., Danby, R.K., Mamet, S.D., and Brown, Carissa D. 2023. Insect seed and cone predation reduces reproductive potential of treeline conifers across northern Canada. Journal of Biogeography, 50: 476-488.


Goodwin, Katie J.A. and Brown, Carissa D. 2023. Integrating demographic niches and black spruce range expansion at subarctic treelines. Oecologia, 201: 19–29.




Brehaut, Lucas and Brown, Carissa D. 2022. Wildfires did not ignite boreal forest range expansion into tundra ecosystems in subarctic Yukon, Plant Ecology, 223: 829-847.


Reid, Kirsten, Reid, D. and Brown, Carissa D. 2022. Patterns of vegetation change in Yukon: Recent findings and future research in dynamic subarctic ecosystems. Environmental Reviews, 30: 380-401.


Gill, N.S., Turner, M.G, Brown, Carissa D., Glassman, S.I., Haire, S.L., Hansen, W.D., Pansing, E.R., St. Clair, S.B., and Tomback, D.F. 2022. Limitations to propagule dispersal will constrain postfire recovery of plants and fungi in western coniferous forests. BioScience, biab139. 




Baltzer, J.L., Day, N.J., Walker, X.J., Greene, D., Mack, M.C., Alexander, H.D., Arsenault, D., Barnes, J., Bergeron, Y., Boucher, Y., Bourgeau-Chavez, L., Brown, Carissa D., Carrière, S., Howard, B., Gauthier, S., Parisien, M.-A., Reid, Kirsten A., Rogers, B.M., Roland, C., Sirois, L., Stehn, S., Thompson, D.K., Turetsky, M.R., Veraverbeke, S., Whitman, E., Yang, J., and Johnstone, J.F. 2021. Increasing fire and the decline of fire adapted black spruce in the boreal forest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118: e2024872118; DOI:10.1073/pnas.2024872118.


Hogan, Jessica and Brown, Carissa D. 2021. Spatial extent and severity of all-terrain vehicles use on coastal sand dune vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science, 24: e12549.


Bader, M., Llambí, L.D., Case, B., Buckley, H., Toivonen, J., Camarero, J.J., Cairns, D., Brown, Carissa D., Wiegand, T., Resler, L. 2021. A global framework for linking alpine-treeline ecotone patterns to underlying processes. Ecography, 44: 265-292.




Brehaut, Lucas and Brown, Carissa D. 2020. Boreal tree regeneration after fire and fuelwood harvesting in coastal Nunatsiavut. Arctic Science, 6: 384-403.


Miller, T.E.X. Angert, A.L., Brown, Carissa D., Lee-Yaw, J.A., Lewis, M., Lutscher, F., Marculis, N.G., Melbourne, B.A., Shaw, A.K., Szűcs, M., Tabares, O., Usui, T., Weiss-Lehman, C., Williams, J.L. 2020. Eco-evolutionary dynamics of range expansion. Ecology, 101: e03139.


Crofts, Anna L. and Brown, Carissa D. 2020. The importance of biotic filtering on boreal conifer recruitment at alpine treeline. Ecography, 43: 914-929.


Evans, Piers, Crofts, Anna L., and Brown, Carissa D. 2020. Biotic filtering of northern temperate tree seedling emergence in beyond-range field experiments. Ecosphere, 11: e03108


Stralberg, D., Arseneault, D., Baltzer, J., Barber, Q., Bayne, E., Boulanger, Y., Brown, Carissa D., Cooke, H., Devito, K., Edwards, J., Estevo, C., Flynn, N., Frelich, L., Hogg, T., Johnston, M., Logan, T., Matsuoka, S., Moore, P., Morelli, T., Morissette, J., Nenzén, H., Nelson, E., Nielsen, S., Parisien, M.-A., Pedlar, J., Price, D., Schmiegelow, F., Slattery, S., Sonnentag, O., Thompson, D., Whitman, E. Climate-change refugia in boreal North America: what, where, and for how long? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18: 261-270.




Brehaut, Lucas D. 2019. How do disturbances across spatial scales influence treeline range expansion? Arctic 72: 466-471.


O’Brien, P., Vander Wal, E., Koen, E.L., Brown, Carissa D., Guy, J., van Beest, F.M., and Brook, R.K. Understanding habitat co-occurrence and the potential for competition between native mammals and invasive wild pigs at the northern edge of their range. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 537-546.


Mamet, S.D., Brown, Carissa D., Trant, A., and Laroque, C. Shifting global Larix distributions: Northern expansion and southern retraction as species respond to changing climate. Journal of Biogeography. In press.


Brown, Carissa D., Dufour-Tremblay, Geneviève, Jameson, Ryan, Mamet, Steven D., Trant, Andrew, Walker, Xanthe, Boudreau, Stéphane, Harper, Karen, Henry, Greg, Hermanutz, Luise, Hofgaard, Annika, Isaeva, Ludmila, Kershaw, Peter, and Johnstone, Jill F. Reproduction as a bottleneck to treeline advance across the circumarctic forest tundra ecotone. Ecography 42: 137-147.




Frei, Esther, Bianchi, Eva, Bernareggi, Giulietta, Bebi, Peter, Dawes, Melissa A., Brown, Carissa D., Trant, Andrew, Mamet, Steven D., and Rixen, Christian. Biotic and abiotic drivers of tree seedling recruitment across an alpine treeline ecotone. Scientific Reports 8: 10894. 


Evans, Piers, Davis, Emma, Gedalof, Ze'ev, and Brown, Carissa D. 2018. Small herbivore exclosure cages alter microclimate conditions. Forest Ecology and Management 415: 118-128.




Evans, Piers and Brown, Carissa D. 2017. The boreal-temperate forest ecotone response to climate change. Environmental Reviews 25: 423-431.


Vellend, M., Dornelas, M., Baeten, L., Beauséjour, R., Brown, Carissa D., De Frenne, P., Elmendorf, S.C., Gotelli, N.J., Moyes, F., Myers-Smith, I.H., Magurran, A., McGill, B.J., Shimadzu, H. & Sievers, C. 2017. Estimates of local biodiversity change over time stand up to scrutiny. Ecology 98: 583–590. doi:10.1002/ecy.1660.




Urli, M., Brown, Carissa D., Narváez Perez, R., Chagnon, P.-L. & Vellend, M. 2016. Increased seedling establishment via enemy-release at the upper elevational range limit of sugar maple. Ecology 97: 3058–3069. Commentary in Nature.




Brown, Carissa D., Liu, J., Yan, G., and Johnstone, J.F. 2015. Disentangling legacy effects from environmental filters of post-fire assembly of boreal tree assemblages. Ecology 96: 3023-3032.




Brown, Carissa D. and Vellend, M. 2014. Non-climatic constraints on upper elevational plant range expansion under climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281(1794): 20141779. doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.1779.


Vellend, M., Srivastava, D., Anderson, K., Brown, Carissa D., Jankowski, J., Kleynhans, E., Kraft, N., Alathea, L., MacDonald, A., Maclean, J., Myers-Smith, I., Norris, A., Xue, X. 2014. Assessing the relative importance of neutral stochasticity in ecological communities. Oikos 123(12): 1420-1430. doi:10.1111/oik.01493.


De Frenne, P., Rodriguez-Sánchez, F., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Brown, Carissa D., Eriksson, O., Hermy, M., Mitchell, F.J.G., PetÅ™ík, P., Van Calster, H., Vellend, M., and Verheyen, K. 2014. Reply to Harwood et al.: Thermophilization estimation is robust to the scale of species distribution data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(13): E1166-E1166. doi:10.1073/pnas.1401414111.




Vellend, M., Baeten, L., Myers-Smith, I.H., Elmendorf, S.C., Beauséjour, R., Brown, Carissa D., De Frenne, P., Verheyen, K., and Wipf, S. 2013. A global meta-analysis reveals no net change in local-scale plant biodiversity over time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(48): 19456-19459. doi:10.1073/pnas.1312779110.


De Frenne, P., Rodriguez-Sánchez, F., Coomes, D.A., Baeten, L., Verstraeten, G., Vellend, M., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Brown, Carissa D., et al. 2013. Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(46): 18561-18565. doi:10.1073/pnas.1311190110.


Buma, B., Brown, Carissa D.,  Donato, D.C., Fontaine, J.B., Johnstone, J.F. 2013. The impacts of changing disturbance regimes on serotinous plant populations and communities. BioScience 63(11): 866-876. doi: 10.1525/bio.2013.63.11.5.


Vellend, M., Brown, Carissa D., Kharouba, H.M., McCune, J.L., and Myers-Smith, I.H. 2013. Historical ecology: Using unconventional data sources to test for impacts of global environmental change. American Journal of Botany 100(7): 1294-1305. doi: 10.3732/ajb.1200503. 


Viglas, J.N., Brown, Carissa D., and Johnstone, J.F. 2013. Age and size effects on seed productivity of northern black spruce. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43(6): 534-543. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2013-0022. 


2012 and earlier


Brown, Carissa D. and Johnstone, J.F. 2012. Once burned, twice shy: Repeat fires reduce seed availability and alter substrate constraints on Picea mariana regeneration. Forest Ecology and Management 266: 34-41. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2011.11.006. 


Brown, Carissa D., and Johnstone, J.F. 2011. How does increased fire frequency affect carbon loss from fire? A case study in the northern boreal forest. International Journal of Wildland Fire 20(7): 829-837. doi: 10.1071/WF10113. 


Brown, Carissa D. 2010. Treeline retreat? Adding fire to climate change predictions. Arctic 63(4): 488-492. 


Brown, Carissa D. and Boutin, C. 2009. Linking past land use, recent disturbance, and dispersal mechanism to forest composition. Biological Conservation 142(8): 1647-1656. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.02.035.  


Starzomski, B.M. and Brown, Carissa D. 2009. Ecology, evolution and genetics join together on Canada's east coast. Biology Letters 5(6): 726-728. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0489. 

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